“The Catholic Watchmen initiative offers the bishops a chance to invite Catholic men to join together and fully live their calling to holiness, encouraging them to take a stand in our culture in favor of Gospel values.”
-Bishop Cozzens
Catholic Man Night is a monthly event that supports the men of our parish in growing together in faith and fellowship. We eat, drink, learn, and pray together on a monthly basis. No experience or reservation necessary - just show up at an event when you're able and feel free to bring along a buddy/son/father. There is no organization to join. By attending, you're committing only to enjoy the company of other men of the parish as we work together to grow, individually and as a community, along the continuum of holiness.
Catholic Man Night is held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from October to May. Each event includes an opportunity for Eucharistic adoration and confession, manly meal and beverages (including a good selection of craft and domestic brews), and a short presentation and group discussion, all for a suggested donation of $10.
Typical Agenda:
6:30 Meal, Fellowship, Snacks/Beverages
7:15 Presentation, Group Discussion
7:45 Adoration, Confessions
8:30 (sharp!) Adjourn
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