Hello All,
I am so happy and excited that we will be able to offer EFC another summer!
Where are you at?...I know that every family is at a different place with their comfort and ability to send their kids on a summer camp this year. I do know that God has something for each of us and I know that a week trying to get closer to Him has lifelong benefits/maybe even eternal ones! We never want money or concern to be the reason that youth don't come this summer so we are committed to offering a safe and accessible camp for any child that wants to join us this summer from St. Charles. We know that money could be tight this year and we have parishioners who desire to help kids get to camp. So we have half and full scholarships for kids who want to go but can't afford it or come up short in their fundraising efforts. We also will be helping youth do personal fundraising with a variety of options throughout the year to help off-set their costs. Please contact me if you are interested in participating in the fundraising opportunities this year.
I truly hope your child can join us this summer for the best week of the summer!!!! If you are ready to claim your child(ren)'s spot(s), fill out the pre-registration form with a deposit of $100 per person and they will be all set for this great summer program!!
Have a 9-12th grader that wants to get invovled with camp this year??
Prayer Team Application (For HS students in 9th grade or have never been to EFC)
Extreme Team Application (For HS students who have done prayer team, 10-12th grade)