ALTAR SERVERS Young boys are invited to start serving Mass in the 5th grade and may continue to serve through senior year of high school. Adult men are also needed as altar servers for funerals. Training for new servers is done yearly. Contact Person: Deacon Najarian at 612-787-1184.
CHOIR Due to COVID restrictions, Choir is not currently meeting HOWEVER, if you are interested, call contact Peter Vanderwaal and he will keep you updated on the latest choir news [email protected], 612-787-1188
CHURCH CLEANERS Men and women volunteer once a month to do light cleaning and vacuuming of the church on Mondays. Call Parish Office, 612-781-6529
CHURCH DECORATION TEAM This team is responsible for decorating the Church and/or the Atrium space for the Christmas, Lenten, and Easter Seasons, as well as for other special events as needed. Contact Person: MaryAnne Frank at 612-787-1182.
SACRISTY AIDES Volunteers faithfully assist in keeping the sanctuary and sacristy clean. The commitment is for one month each year. Some members wash and press the altar linens, while others dust, vacuum and do light cleaning. A planning meeting is held in the fall. Contact Person: Deacon Najarian at 612- 787-1184.
LAMPLIGHTERS Volunteers clean candleholders and replace candles in the sanctuary and votive lights. Service is daily for one week at a time, 6 to 7 weeks per year. Contact Person: Deacon Najarian at 612-787-1184.
USHERS Parishioners usher at Masses on Sundays, Holy Days, and special liturgies. Contact Person: Deacon Najarian at 612-787-1184.
GREETERS Volunteer parishioners welcome and greet attendees as they arrive for weekend Masses. Volunteers may sign up at the frequency their schedule allows. The sign up form is HERE.
ST. CHARLES OUTREACH Activities related to corporal works of mercy include an annual clothing drive, providing meals at a homeless shelter, trips to Feed My Starving Children, an annual Easter food drive, support of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos children’s home in Honduras, and an annual household goods drive. Contact Person: Deacon Najarian at 612-787-1184 or [email protected].
COMMUNITY CARING FOR LIFE The committee holds events such as a baby goods drive, and a Respect Life dinner. Contact Person: Deacon Najarian at 612-787-1184 or [email protected].
FOOD COLLECTION FOR THE NEEDY Non-perishable food and household items such as paper, soap, and toiletries are collected on a weekly basis. Please bring donations to Parish Office. Contact Parish Office at 612-781- 6529.
FUNERAL BRUNCH SERVICE Volunteer teams provide the service of
set-up and cleanup of a midday meal for bereaved families following the funeral Mass. A planning meeting is held in the fall. Contact Parish Office at
612-781- 6529.
Help supply some of the 700 - 800 units of blood needed EACH day in Minnesota hospitals. To donate blood, you must be at least 16 years of age (with parental permission), weigh at least 110 pounds, and feel well for three days following a cold or flu. Blood Drives are held four times per year at St. Charles. They are held in Doran Hall from 2 pm -7 pm. If you have questions, please contact the Parish Officeat 612-781-6529. Thank you!
A Community Caring for Life (ACCL) was established for parishes in this archdiocese as a way to clearly demonstrate the reality of God’s love by providing support and care for all life from conception until natural death.
St. Charles Borromeo respects life at all stages, including those in our community who may be experiencing difficult or unexpected pregnancies. For more information regarding the St. Charles Community Caring for Life, contact Deacon Stephen Najarian at [email protected].
St. Charles parishioners have been most generous in contributing to our ongoing collection of food for the needy. We help support our regional food shelf (Northeast Emergency Depot—N.E.E.D.), Sharing and Caring Hands, and the Franciscan Brothers of Peace. We collect non-perishable food and household items such as paper, soap, and toiletries on a weekly basis. We ask that you bring donations to the atrium coatroom.
Please continue to open your hearts, your pocketbooks, and your pantries. May God reward you for your generosity.
One of the spiritual works of mercy is to comfort the sorrowful. St. Charles Parish has for many years provided the very personal service of setup and cleanup of a midday meal for families experiencing the death and funeral of a loved one. A Saturday group plus six weekday rotating groups provide service as needed. A meeting is held in the fall to organize and update groups for the year. Men and women of any age are welcome to volunteer. To volunteer contact Mary Perrin.
The St. Charles Honor Guard is made up of about 94 women who come together to pray the rosary, before the funeral Mass, for the deceased and his/her family. The women are notified by phone before each funeral and attend when available. The Honor Guard has been a tradition at St. Charles for many years. New members are always welcome.
Eastside Meals on Wheels has been providing reasonably priced hot lunches to the homebound in Northeast Minneapolis and St. Anthony Village since 1974. Volunteers from eleven churches (including St. Charles) and more than six other businesses deliver meals to persons who are homebound, handicapped, or have difficulty preparing food.
The St. Charles Women's Council has a Meals on Wheels Committee which helps coordinate the volunteer effort here. St. Charles drivers are scheduled for Thursdays and Fridays of the second full week of each month. The dinners are picked up at a nearby church and delivered during the noon hour. See the Women's Council page for more details.
The St. Charles Outreach program falls under the umbrella of Community Caring for Life. Our program in apostolic outreach, known also as social justice outreach, seeks to provide an opportunity to live out our baptismal commitment by performing the corporal works of mercy beyond our parish borders.
Activities include an annual clothing drive, providing meals at a homeless shelter, prison ministry, and an annual household goods drive. Future plans include expansion of prison ministry, developing partnerships with foreign missions, working with Catholic Charities Migration Services, and partnering with Habitat for Humanity.
To volunteer or for more information, contact Deacon Stephen Najarian, deacon[email protected].
All volunteers who interact with minors or vulnerable adults are required to complete and maintain safe environment credentials through this Archdiocese. The requirements include a criminal background check, signing a Code of Conduct, and completing safe environment training.
To ensure completion of the requirements before volunteering, or to confirm your status, contact our Safe Environment Coordinator: Tricia Hengemuhle, [email protected].
Visit the Archdiocesan Safe Environment webpage for additional information, including details on how to report suspected child abuse and resources for Victim Assistance.
Life is the time that is granted to us to express concretely the potential riches which each of us bears and to make our contribution to the common progress of mankind. Life is the time that is given to us to embody in ourselves and in history the values of love, goodness, joy, justice, and peace, to which the human heart aspires.
--Blessed John Paul II, address, Rome, 1981